Dating Mistakes Men Do That Kills Success With Women

  I recently had the opportunity to contribute to an expert round up about dating and dynamics between men and women. More specifically, I was asked to comment on dating mistakes that men make which ultimately kills their ability to be successful with women. See my contribution below and then take a moment to check Read more about Dating Mistakes Men Do That Kills Success With Women[…]

The Cycle of Abuse

Feeling like your fighting too much with your spouse? Does his or her reaction make you feel like you are solely to blame for the issues in your relationship? Or do you make excuses for his or her clearly abusive behavior to make yourself feel better about the way that he or she treats you? Maybe Read more about The Cycle of Abuse[…]

You Want A Different Life: What Are You Doing About It?

You’re sitting at your desk at work thinking about your life. You were never this type of person until the beginning of last year. Your thoughts swim as you continue wondering how you got here. 3 months go by. You find yourself in the same position, at the same desk, thinking the same thoughts. Feeling Read more about You Want A Different Life: What Are You Doing About It?[…]

What Happy Couples Do: Talk About Sex, Baby

Even in our day and age we are bombarded by images of women in lingerie on prime time television. We hear Salt-N-Pepa songs replay on the radio. Alyssa Milano often makes headlines for her activism surrounding breast feeding in public. In this context, it might be hard to imagine that anyone has difficulty discussing sex Read more about What Happy Couples Do: Talk About Sex, Baby[…]

Manage Your Emotions, Change Your Life

When you think of people who need to learn how to better control their emotions, some stereotypes may come to mind. Flashes quickly pass of people who have a drug addiction, are suicidal, or need anger management. It may be easier to see how people who go from 0 to 100% at the smallest provocation Read more about Manage Your Emotions, Change Your Life[…]

What Happy Couples Do: They Don’t Know Each Other

“When he said that, I just knew he was wondering whether I actually had that level of experience and I got so angry!” One of the biggest problems I see with couples who come to me for therapy is one or both partners assuming they know what the other is thinking. Assumption influences how you Read more about What Happy Couples Do: They Don’t Know Each Other[…]

Be Kind To Yourself

“God I’m such an idiot”, you think to yourself as you get an email back from your boss pointing out the things missing from your weekly report. “Of course I can’t find my way there! I’m so stupid”, you worry as you finish giving directions to a friend.   Do these thoughts sound familiar to Read more about Be Kind To Yourself[…]

Find A Consistent Source of Emotional Support

More than anything, when coping with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue it is of the utmost importance to have a consistent source of emotional support. You may be lucky enough to have people in your life that can support you like this. However, I often find that most people have well-intention-ed, caring Read more about Find A Consistent Source of Emotional Support[…]

Coping With Your Family’s Mental Health

A continually overlooked group, however, are the friends and family members of those who struggle with mental health. These people often have their own equally important mental health needs.  Check out my latest guest blog post with one of the group therapy practice’s I work for, Christine Fernandez & Associates.

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