The Cycle of Abuse

Feeling like your fighting too much with your spouse? Does his or her reaction make you feel like you are solely to blame for the issues in your relationship? Or do you make excuses for his or her clearly abusive behavior to make yourself feel better about the way that he or she treats you? Maybe Read more about The Cycle of Abuse[…]

The Waiting Game: Getting Help When You Need It

“I just have too much going on right now. I don’t have time”. “I have too many appointments already. I’ll never be able to squeeze another one in”. “There’s absolutely no way. I have too much to do right now. This would only add more stress to my plate”. Avoiding Help Sound familiar? These are Read more about The Waiting Game: Getting Help When You Need It[…]

 How Do You View The World?

Two people are in the middle of the exact same, seemingly boring and rote situation. Their phones have started buzzing because they got a message from someone. Both of them get up to look at their devices to see what the text says. They both look briefly, put the phone down, and resume what they Read more about  How Do You View The World?[…]

Find A Consistent Source of Emotional Support

More than anything, when coping with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue it is of the utmost importance to have a consistent source of emotional support. You may be lucky enough to have people in your life that can support you like this. However, I often find that most people have well-intention-ed, caring Read more about Find A Consistent Source of Emotional Support[…]

Coping With Your Family’s Mental Health

A continually overlooked group, however, are the friends and family members of those who struggle with mental health. These people often have their own equally important mental health needs.  Check out my latest guest blog post with one of the group therapy practice’s I work for, Christine Fernandez & Associates.

How To Say “No”

Are you a people please-er? Do you have a hard time saying “no” or asserting yourself in a high stress or emotional situation? You may have trouble setting limits or even knowing what your limits are. Checking out my latest guest blog post for one of the group therapy practices I work for, Christine Fernandez Read more about How To Say “No”[…]

Signs You Might Be In A Co-Dependent Relationship

Co-Dependency. This was a term that originally gained notoriety in the context of families struggling with alcoholism and/or substance abuse. While the term can certainly be applicable in that content, it also has a much wider reach. Someone who has experienced significant trauma or grows up in a household where emotional intelligence is not a Read more about Signs You Might Be In A Co-Dependent Relationship[…]

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